How to Stay Physically Active during Self-Quarantine
With self-quarantine being observed around the world due to widespread Corona virus pandemic, we cannot emphasize enough that physical activity is invaluable in keeping mind and body fit.

The ongoing wave of Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic has brought the social activities around the world to a standstill. Self-isolation either voluntarily or imposed is used to contain the spread. One significant setback of quarantine is the lack of physical activity leading to an increased risk of developing a range of health problems.
A considerable number of clients who sought health consultation in the past few weeks showed concerns about unavailability of space and resources to ensure physical activity at home. The absence of sophisticated machinery and weights like the ones at gymnasium can demotivate otherwise motivated individuals.
Apart from gym goers, people who have enabled work-from-home (WFH) also seek alternate ways to ensure physical activity/motion.
Risk of Insufficient Physical Activity
The studies conducted by researchers at mHospital about the impact of self-isolation indicate that people isolated in homes are at risk of developing following problems.
- Cardiovascular problems arise due to lack of adequate physical exertion.
- Sitting in the same position or sleeping far longer than usual is tantamount to inviting lethargy and various musculoskeletal aches and pains.
- Excessive use of digital gadgets including phones, laptops, and tablets can cause neck, shoulder and lower back commonly.
- Reduced physical activity may also lead to unforeseen mental issues – depression and erosion of self-confidence.
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How to Tackle the Risk?
Covid-19 challenge is faced by the population around the world. People need to make a few amendments to their lifestyle to prevent the downsides of quarantine. Our fitness experts provide these recommendations.
A wide spectrum of physical activity is available in order to lead a healthy lifestyle during self-isolation. However, one needs to remain consistent in performing these drills for 40 minutes as a bare minimum per day (more is better) – excluding the warmup phase – at least five times a week.
- Jumping jacks for 2 to 3 minutes provide adequate stretch to the muscles. It is advisable to begin your physical workout with this exercise.
- Running on the spot is almost as effective as displacement from the initial position in usual circumstances. It is productive to maintain a decent body mass index (BMI)
- Skipping ropes help in raising heart rate. A total of 90 jumps in 3 equal sets would be enough for a day.
- Climbing stairs is one of the most effective cardiovascular workouts. It also fortifies calf muscles. Be cautious in not touching bannisters/handrails.
- Calf squeezes on spot with 4 sets of 20 squeezes (either side) allow a reasonable amount of movement to calf muscles (squeeze the venous blood to the heart) prevents varicose veins.
- Sit-ups provide enough pressure on abdomen to keep it flatten. The number of sits-up in each set and the total number of sets depend on age and history of workout. Beginners may start with 3 sets of 15 sits-ups.
- Squats strengthen hamstrings and quadriceps while building muscle mass over the time when supplemented with an apt nutrition.
- Holding Plank position for as long as possible – good for core muscles.
- Pull ups – as many as possible. Use chair for feet initially to make it easier. Tone chest, shoulder and back muscles.
- Pushups – can be on knees initially. Good for chest, shoulder, core and triceps
- Yoga – great option for flexibility and strength.
- Meditation – mental calmness.
Although performing these exercises for an appropriate amount of time without taking excessive breaks in-between would be enough for a healthy lifestyle, yet same exercises over the time may lead to a dull workout routine. Thus, it is worthwhile to perform a combination of varying exercises.
For instance, skipping ropes can be combined with calf squeezes whereas running on the spot with sit-ups and squats.
Be creative with physical activity but use caution and do not hurt yourself.
A healthy individual requires 1800-2000 calories per day so that there is enough energy after burnout of calories from physical workout. If healthy nutrition is not commensurate with the amount of daily physical activity, long term negative effects will be seen. For weight loss caloric burn should exceed intake – simple concept hard to follow.
Frequent small meals are the current recommendation. There should be a few hours between dinner and turning in for the night.
Taking protein-rich supplements within an hour of workout enables body receptors to build muscle mass. Fancy protein supplements usually taken by bodybuilders are not necessary. Some of the most common and easily available foods like eggs, lentils, milk, cottage cheese, almonds, chicken breast, fish, quinoa and oats are rich in proteins. Some of these options cater vegetarians and vegans.
Talk to a Nutritionist or Fitness Expert
Are you Physically Active?
With self-quarantine being observed around the world due to widespread Corona virus pandemic, we cannot emphasize enough that physical activity is invaluable in keeping mind and body fit.
Lack of physical activity hampers performance in all aspects of life.
Be active, stay healthy!