Brain Tumors – Common Symptoms and Treatments
Brain Tumor Types and Diagnosis There are many different types of Primary Brain Tumors over more than 100 varieties. Some common examples are Glioma, meningioma, Acoustic Neuroma, Pituitary Adenoma, medulloblastoma, germ cell tumors. There are several Secondary (metastatic) brain tumors for those …
Depression in Teenage Girls due to Social Isolation
How to help a teen with depression? Discuss with your teen by choosing the right time to validate how tough the situation is and facts about what you have observed. Stick to facts that you are concerned about. Self-disclose if you or …
COVID-19 and Brain Damage – What We Know So Far
We have seen younger patients with stroke, and older patients’ tendency to have issues with confusion. Post-Acute Sequelae of Covid (PASC) has been recently termed to describe that some of the effects of COVID-19 may be long term. These symptoms can be …
Lung Cancer Awareness – Symptoms, Stages and Treatment
Diagnosis The diagnosis starts with a Chest x-ray, Low Dose Ct scan of chest, and Sputum testing. Advanced testing includes biopsy or Bronchial lavage where a needle or washing is used to examine the pieces of tissues. Once these tests confirm occurrence …